Wednesday, December 19, 2007

happy holiday fascism!

One thing I actually miss about the year I spent in New Hampshire is the bombardment of political ads. We don't see too many of these ads here in New York, and it's a shame, because some of them are straight up crazy.

Like one I came across on YouTube... Huckabee, that crazy man, has a "Merry Christmas" ad running in a few states, and Ron Paul was asked what he thought of the ads... He said they reminded him of fascism! How observant!

This is my biggest problem with politics in this country... People don't know how to leave religion the hell out of our political debates. The moment someone drops the G-word, I'm done listening to them. I'm not anti-religion... I'm anti-theology-based-legislation.

Ron Paul would never do that! Well... assuming you don't listen to anything he has to say about abortion or gay rights.

Enjoy the Christian Fundamentalism!

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