Tuesday, December 4, 2007

here we go

I just read in amNewYork yesterday that my favorite crazy person, who somehow has supporters, is teaming up again with my favorite misogynistic racist radio host!

That's right.... Mike Huckabee was slotted to give a phone interview for Don Imus' new radio program. Huckabee says he believes Imus is "sorry."

He's sorry? Well, now I feel better.

You know, it's so nice to see someone who could potentially be our future president finally stand behind people like Imus, who just make little "mistakes." And by mistakes, I mean mistakenly letting the public finally see them for the misogynist-racist-douche-bags they really are.

Yeah, oops.

Via The Trail. http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/12/02/huckabee_and_imus_together_aga.html?hpid=topnews

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